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Climate trees

Climate change and the associated increasingly extreme weather phenomena pose new challenges for gardening and landscaping, as well as for local authorities, architects and private individuals.Plantings in public and private spaces should be impressive and beautiful, but they must also be easy to maintain in times of extreme drought. This has resulted in experimental plantings that aim to define so-called “climate trees”, trees that are tolerant of high temperatures and drought.

One of these, for example, is Celtis australis (southern hackberry). Originally from southern Europe, this deciduous tree has a picturesque, expansive crown and is perfect as a street tree for inner-city areas. Other trees that have proven to be climate-tolerant include several species from the genus Acer (maple), Sorbus aria (service tree) and Alnus spaethii (purple alder) and various Tilia species.Choose the most suitable tree for your project from our wide range. We will be happy to advise you.

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